Blog Facing Fear: Navigating Life and Business Decisions from Hope

Facing Fear: Navigating Life and Business Decisions from Hope


Oftentimes, as much as we don't want to face it, the real motivation behind our decisions is fear.

And I know it goes without saying, but we will feel fear every day of our lives to some degree. Right? 

So it seems logical than to admit that most of what we do, we do because of fear.

Now, I would love to say that we are all at a place in our lives, where we can look at fear right in the face and say, You know what, you're not making much sense to me, actually, the logic here is telling me that I shouldn't be afraid. But the reality is that we've spent probably 99% of our lives, making decisions out of fear and logic doesn't have anything to do with it.

So turning that switch, and deciding to make decisions out of hope, is going to feel a lot different. And honestly, it's gonna feel freaking scary.

I wanted to talk a little bit about that, because I find so many of us are running from solutions, all because we are too scared to do something that we may fail at. Or it may go horribly wrong, or we may waste our money. Or we may have to quit.

It can be kind of heavy when you really think about it. But I've been inspired today to share with you guys some personal experiences and some client experiences that will help lay down what it feels like to make a decision out of fear and what it feels like to make a decision out of hope.

A lot of you are business owners just like I am. As Entrepreneurs, it is part of our lives to invest in certain things to be able to move our business along. Everything's in your hands when you own your own business We can't just email someone and say "Hey, I need a new chair, this chair is broken". And then expect someone to deliver you a new chair. 

No, we have to make all those decisions ourselves. And where I'm getting is that oftentimes, we will downplay the significance of investing in things for our business that actually move the needle for us. I'm talking about personal growth. I'm talking about business coaching, I'm talking about someone to help you with your your graphic design, maybe someone to help you with your content, if that's something that you struggle with. There's so much to think about when it comes to investing.

The reason why I'm talking about this today is because I recently decided to invest in a business coach that offers everything that I need to move the needle on my online courses that I do. And, you know, I'm I gotta say, I am amazing at what I do. Like so many of you that are super creative, that are naturally talented and now have established a growth routine where you continually evolve in your art.

It's a beautiful thing to be a part of. But there's so much of our lives and our businesses that we are not naturally talented in right. So I have no problem saying I am extremely good at being that intuitive coach for people. I'm amazing at subconscious work. I am extremely intuitive and psychic, I can really help people move along faster than what they could have on their own or even with other people in different modalities. And I can say that confidently, while also holding the space for the fact that I am not great at certain aspects of my business.

I need someone to fill in those blanks for me, If I have big dreams, and I have ideas on where I want to go, and how far I want to take this business, then at some point, no matter how scary or intimidating it is, I am going to have to invest in those parts of my business that are seeing the slack.

So for example, you know, I have a lot of ADHD tendencies. My mom also has ADHD into several family members. I've never been diagnosed, but I'm a little spacey, I have trouble focusing on certain things. I provide all the work that people need in order to have these massive mindset shifts. And I'm able to do that a lot, because I have this creative side to me that I can tap in and stay in. But I do not have a side of me, that is super structured, that I can just tap into and be like, Okay, now you're organizing. In fact, I was in a masterclass in one of my other previous coaching experiences this past week, and they said, let's think about what kind of word we're going to bring into the new year.

This is so not sexy, but the word that I need in my life is organized. I know it sounds completely ridiculous, but that's the world I live in. I have big goals, I have big ideas, I chase them, I'm doing really good at being able to chase them further and follow them and take big chances. But boy in the in the backend of stuff, I need a little help.

So I have been eyeing this coach for quite some time. She's amazing in a million ways. I definitely feel connected to her. And, you know, here comes Mercury Retrograde, you know, you don't make new decisions. With Mercury Retrograde, however, you can finalize ideas that were already in your head. And some of you that won't make sense for and some of you it will. But for me, it meant that I finally jumped the gun. And I finally signed up for her coaching. And I have to say I am extremely excited about it. I knew I did the intuitive tsteps that I do in order to make a decision. I did all of those.

I made sure that I was not coming from an emotional state, I was coming from a "this could work" or "this could not work", like just a super neutral approach. And I did decide to do it. Then I went to bed. And I kid you not. I woke up in the middle of the night, like almost panicking about this choice that I had made. This is somewhat normal for me being that I am an emotional authority in human design, which you don't have to know about except for the fact that we do tend to ride the wave of like "what ifs", like that's just how our mind works. And when we learn to ride it and learn that it's coming. It gets easier.

So I wasn't completely shocked that this came out of nowhere like that. But I got to sit with it. And I got to say, Wait a second. Okay, you know what's coming in here right now, this is fear. This is fear that no matter what I do, no matter how much I throw myself into this program, no matter how I change my business structure, all of it, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because it's going to be a waste. That is not realistic. 

I will tell you that I have spent money on coaches in the past where I did not get out of it what I thought I was going to get out of it. But every single time I learned a lesson, and so and a lesson that has definitely helped me in my own coaching practice. So it's important to be open to you know what, I got a yes for this. This felt good for me. Now, I'm going to throw myself into it because if I go too much into that fear, I am going to go into self sabotage and guess what happens then?

Well, then it doesn't work does it? Then I ended up in a situation where I procrastinate. I won't worry about it today. And I'm not getting the work done. I'm not showing up the way that I should, and I'm not committed the way that I told myself I was committed. That's what fear will do to your decisions.

I was thinking about all of the things that I offer right now, I don't offer that much. But I've started to shift my business into offering more monthly courses. And that's my membership "We Are Magnetic Women". And I also have deep healing for the creative soul, which is my trademark course.... you know, the love of my life course. That is a beautiful program. It's not for everybody. But it's a beautiful, beautiful program.

For artists who are wanting to expand their growth, feel confident, feel like they can handle things feel like they have boundaries, and they don't feel guilt or regret, or sadness around their choices. They get to be free of imposter syndrome, they get to work through their creative blocks and find new ways to keep themselves out of those blocks. These are all super important for artists. And I had to say to myself, you know, what, if this is what some of my clients feel, when they're trying to decide if they should join my course, I absolutely want to talk about it. Because what happens is, one, we could have sticker shock, right? It's like I understand that this is a super powerful course, I understand that it's everything that I need right now. But it is scary for me to spend that much money.

Or it is scary for me to think that I'm worth spending that much money on, or I'm already nervous about my bills, and now I'm adding this to the mix. And don't get me wrong, these are all super valid concerns. They are valid fears, they are valid opinions. However, if you always lead with that fear, guess what I didn't mention, I didn't mention like how amazing it's going to be on the other side of this. Right?

How amazing is it going to be for my business have more structure on that back end? Where I'm not chasing my tail all the time, where I can add someone into the mix and say, Hey, you just need to do this from this program. And that's all I need from you.

How amazing would it be to go into a program that you know is aligned with you? You absolutely know you need it... and then actually consider that it might work? When we let that fear takeover, we let go of any kind of hope. We don't allow ourselves to imagine how amazing our life may be. If we just put the work in and we're getting that support back. Does that mean it's going to work perfectly? No.

It's probably gonna work perfectly for you. But what it does mean is that you have a chance, right? We live our whole lives thinking there's no way something could help us. Some of you have done countless different therapies, and EMDR, and energy work and Reiki and you've done all these things. And you come to me and you're like "Well, you know, I've I've already done a lot of stuff. I just don't feel like this will work. If it's not going to work, then the investment is not worth it." And I agree with that.

If it's not going to work, maybe it's not worth it. However, what if it does work? What if you are your own worst enemy? What if you are the person that is actually holding yourself back? As I know I have in the past, I can only speak from what I know, from me personally, and also from what I've seen with my clients. And I can tell you that most of us are so good at holding ourselves back. We are so good at self sabotage. We don't even recognize it anymore. We just don't even recognize it. So venture out of that say what if dang it What if this worked? What if this was for me? What if I took this leap of faith and my entire life looks different in a year. And I'm gonna tell you, I'm not just going to tell you to do that. I'm leaving that with you because I'm also taking a leap of faith. Right? And I will say at the end of the day when I finally got back to sleep last night and I was like okay, calming my mind and I have all these little tricks that I do to just let me feel some peace here. 

Let me just I need to get some sleep. Let me feel some peace about it. When it really came down to this fear that I was feeling about this situation. I had And to think about who benefits from me staying small and safe. Because I can't think of a single person that is better off with me, putting myself in a tiny little box, and not allowing for growth, and denying myself an opportunity to have bigger things and better things and a life that I truly deserve. I can't think of anyone that would benefit from that.

And then I thought about how far I've come, how these gifts that I have acquired, some maybe were spiritual gifts from the beginning, but others that I have done training in, and then it progressed from there, the spiritual gifts that I have that I'm literally seeing them change people's lives all the time. Every single client that I've ever had, I've seen the difference in them through this kind of work.

I mean, that is invaluable. So at the end of the day, who am I to allow that fear to take over to the point where I don't share myself with other people? I mean, yeah, if you're reading this, you're already in my world in some way. But there's billions of people out there. And some of them probably need me. Just like, some of them need you. And don't know you exist.

You can look at that however you want. It could be through business, it could be through friendships, it could be through, you know, relationships, maybe you don't have a partner. But when we don't allow ourselves to take the chance, we don't allow ourselves to hope for the better.

We are closing ourselves off to any of these big things that are coming our way. So who am I to do that? Who am I to be like, Okay, nevermind, I guess if they find me, then they can work with me.

And that worked for old Aubrey, it worked for me for a long time to be honest with you. But I'm not there anymore. No, I'm not there anymore. I mean, glory be to God in everything that I've been given 100%. But does he want me to make myself smaller? You know, does does he want me to not show up? Does He want me to put up roadblocks so that I can't grow my business, or grow my clientele? Is that what He wants, from all of these things that He's given me?

I hope that speaks to you, I hope you can see that. There's bigger things than just us. And even if you're just trying to get your photography, business, or your creative business off the ground, and you're trying to share that way, and maybe you don't feel like you're changing people's lives, maybe you don't feel like you're making huge impacts in every person that you meet. But I guarantee you're gonna provide someone with something so valuable, that they're never gonna forget you.

I have pictures from a decade ago and I remember the photographer took them. Thanks to them, my family has these memories. I guarantee you, you have a bigger impact than what you're allowing yourself to think. And that's that fear coming in again. It's going to tell you your small, it's going to take away your confidence, it's going to tell you that you're not allowed to make big investments, it's going to tell you that you're wasting your money or you're wasting your time. Or you always have to choose one thing or the other. Either you choose your business or you choose your family and you cannot have both and be happy.

This is all fear talking. So if this does anything for you today, I hope it shifts your belief patterns around why those things come up. And next time you hear that objection, come up, and you feel that fear start to take over. I hope that you stop it and you say, You know what? I'm going to choose hope. I'm going to switch my thinking. And I'm going to think "wait a second, though, just wait a second. What if? What if this does work? What if my lives freaking amazing on the other side of this?"

That's what I want for you guys. I want you to really start pushing into hope more than you do fear. And I think it'll help you to make the best decisions of your life. And I'm wondering who you'll be by next year.


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